Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Its broke once again!!

One of Kenya's favorite thing to do is climb in the drawer where I keep all the sipee cups. She will climb in then one by one throw all the cups and lids all over the floor. Mark has already fixed the drawer once. It is just a matter of time before it is broke again. Kenya is just a little over the weight limit that the one drawer can hold!! One may ask why do you let her get in it? Well somedays it is just easier to let her do what she wants than to fight with her.


Sinai said...

Kenya is such a cutie. I know what you mean about just giving in. Some days you just have to do that.

The NyDegger's said...

What cutie patotie oh......I MISS them espicially that one!! Kisses Kenyalynn one Sunday I'm going to come and steal so you can go church with me!! And wits ok you can break it cause your Daddy's lil mini me!!